Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Necessary Escape after Escaping (Chapter 13)

All this teleporting was starting to get me really tired. Not only had I done a lot of teleporting, I had kept up a complicated illusion for more than a minute. I was exhausted. My whole body was sore even though I hadn't actually done any real exercise. I could never figure out why, but teleporting was hard on the whole body in general.
Now I saw a rapidly moving figure that was coming towards the mountain. I wondered how something could move so fast and then after a moment more of observation, I scanned the mind of the thing going so fast. It was a man who could move earth to his will and... He had several memories of his face and I couldn't figure out why his face seemed so familiar. It took a couple moments for me to realize that this was the man who had taken Noiyra from Yosa.
"Aw dammit." Dyari chose this time to come back. He was all smiles.
"You ready to go?" he chirped.
"I have...things to do before going unfortunately. Noiyra and Yosa, the two girls that you saw earlier, they were found by the person that they were escaping from. He's on his way and I have to get back to them. Can you give me some time?"
"Absolutely! My mother was estatic about the flower."
"I'm glad she liked it. I'll see you later." Summoning up the last of my energy, I teleported to Noiyra and Yosa.
"Faalan?" Yosa looked confused, while Noiyra just looked happy.
"You have to protect yourselves. Quick, tell me what Noiyra can do."
"Noiyra can turn into a pheonix."
"Good. I think the man who captured Noiyra has found you two. Because he can mold earth, I'm guessing he used the earth to tell where you two were. You have to escape to somewhere else and you can't touch the ground for long or else he may be able to find you."
"Oh no, not Zyri! Where could we go?!"
"Unfortunately, the only place I can think of is the desert. The shifting sands will confuse him."
"That's not a problem. We lived in the desert for two years once. I know how to take care of myself."
"Do you have the supplies that are needed for the desert?"
"What I have can support us and we can always barter with the nomads."
"Then you two go! I don't have enough energy to teleport you, and I'm sorry. The best I can do is distract this man while you two fly off."
"Thank you once again, Faalan." Yosa turned into a poof of steam and shortly after, Noiyra seemed to burst into flames and shot into the air. The flames shifted to form a giant bird with a long trailing tail.
"Go! And try not to be seen!" I couldn't see Yosa anymore, but I could see Noiyra, and I hoped that they would be safe. They soon disappeared from my vision and then the man named Zyri came.

AN: Wahaha! More action! ^_^


coolidgen said...
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coolidgen said...

First let me say I love the story.

Second, I voted yes. Khanna should come back. I admit to a crush on her in the beginning of Melody Maker. But I think her roll is keeping Faalan from getting Fala. I expect that near the end of this book is a good place, and maybe writing a prequel to Melody Maker with Khanna as the narrator? Or a third book? I think that you've introduced to many new characters and need to kill some of the newer, less important ones off. Khanna could do this. She could appear whenever Faalan is about to see Fala. Her job should be to cause him pain. But don't let my random thoughts waist your time. Woah this is only a comment. I'm planing to do something to her in the fanfic, if that influences you. I won't say more here, but email me/skype me/comment me tomorrow if possible. Need to talk on many subjects. This is way to long a comment.