Friday, June 6, 2008

Are you Going to Help Us or Not? (Chapter 6)

“See, that is a hole in the air. And that hole leads to another time. Same place, different time. Now, what can I do for you?” Xion and I turned to see...Xion?
“Wow... It’s like looking in a mirror!” Xion exclaimed, looking at the other Xion.
“Huh... No kidding...” the other Xion murmured.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on just a second!” I cried, shaking my head.
“What?” the two Xions both said at the same time.
“So...” I turned to the other Xion. “What’s your name?”
“My name is Dyari.” said the boy, apparently named Dyari.
“Dyari... That name sounds familiar... You wouldn’t happen to have known someone named Milai would you?” Dyari paled considerably.
“Don’t tell me. You’re my son aren’t you?” Dyari looked like he was going to faint.
“I’m guessing that’s the truth.” Xion looked almost as pale as his father was.
“Dyari, how old are you?” I asked quietly.
“I’m 18.”
“Xion, how old are you?” I questioned the other.
“I’m 18.”
“Did you travel into the future from your time, Dyari?”
“Fantastic. Well, Dyari, meet your son. Xion, meet your father.”
“Xion, what are you dong here?” Dyari looked slightly panicked.
“I need to get my father’s consent to my marriage.”
“You’re telling me that I have to try and convince your father-in-law-to-be that I’m your father and that it’s okay for you to get married?”
“Uh... Maybe?”
“You know, you could go and try to find the current time’s Dyari.” I cut in.
“That’s right...” Dyari agreed, nodding.
“So... Where is this future version of you?” Xion inquired.
“I dunno. I have no clue where my future self would have gone.” Dyari yawned and sat down on a nearby boulder. I took his lead and sat down on one myself. Xion followed shortly after.
“Aren’t you going to help me” Xion pleaded Dyari after seeing that his father had no interest in helping.
“It’s not my problem is it?” Dyari retorted, glaring at Xion, who glared back.
“Um... I actually have to ask you a favor as well.” I looked at Dyari nervously.
“What’s your problem?” Dyari huffed, turning from Xion to glare at me.
“I have to get to the time of Fala.”
“Who is this Fala person?” Dyari looked confused for a moment, losing the glare. But it came back afterwards.
“The love of his life!” Xion answered. Dyari smirked that same smirk as Xion’s and then was thoughtful for a moment.
“And why should I help you?”
“Because I have no other way of getting to her unless you can direct me to someone else who can travel through time." I was about ready to beg now. I had to see Fala again.
“Your request is a lot harder than you think it is. Even if I wanted to take you to her time, I would have to know into what time to take you. And then I also have to consider the location of where I drop you.”
“Well, if I send you an image of what the portal that took her looked like, can you tell what time and place it is?”
“Perhaps. But what do you mean by send?”
“A mental image.” I closed my eyes and connected his mind to mines. Then I showed him what I had seen.
“Hm... Uh huh... Yes... Okay... I can tell what time and place, but you still haven’t given me a reason for helping you.” Dyari turned to Xion. “That goes for you too.”
“But, but, but!” stuttered Xion.
“No buts! You have to give me a reason.” Dyari declared.
“Well... Um... How about... If you don’t help us...” I paused for a moment to grab the dagger hanging from Dyari’s belt. “...then you don’t get this back.”
“Hey! Give that back!” The irate boy tried to grab the weapon from me but being the taller one, I lifted the dagger above my head as he jumped up and down to reach it. I muffled my laughter and put on a serious face.
“I won’t give it back until you help us.”
“But I need that! It’s what I use to travel through time!” So the dagger was important after all.
“Well then I guess you’ll have to help Xion first before you help me.” Dyari gave an angry huff. Xion smiled at me, eyes full of gratitude. He hadn’t actually talked in a while, which surprised me, because when he wasn’t running or sleeping, he was usually blabbing his head off.
“I’ll help him if you give it back, but I won’t help you unless you do something for me.” Dyari finally said.
“Fair enough. Promise you won’t travel through time before you help Xion?”
“I swear on my honor as a time traveler.” I gave the dagger back to him and then he quickly sheathed it.
“Now what do you want me to do for you?”
"Well, in my time, it's almost my mother's birthday. So... I want you to get the Pranji flower."
"The flower that only blooms every hundred years?!" This flower was almost legend! Very few had found it and the few that did never revealed the location. There was only one every century and was near impossible to find.
"Yes, that flower. You asked me what I wanted you to do for me and that is it. Now you go and find it while I help Xion find the current me."
"I'll be keeping my mind in you." I warned, glaring at Dyari. "Make sure he helps you, okay?" Xion nodded to signify that he knew and the two were off on a cloud that Xion conjured up.

AN: Off onto another quest! ^_^

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