Saturday, June 7, 2008

Just Fantastic (Chapter 7)

Now I had to go and find this annoying only-bloom-once-every-hundred-years flower. Why me?! Why this flower?!
I vaguely remembered a picture of the Pranji flower from a book of legends from when I was younger. It was a delicate flower that supposedly shimmered and changed colors. You would think that such a flower would be easy to find, but no. Just because it shimmered didn't mean that it was easy to find. If memory served, the flower grew in an isolated cave at the top of a snowy mountain. And of course that information really helped because there were only, oh, around 500 stupid snow capped mountains. And these mountains were dangerous, of course because no mountain is complete without giant predatory birds and avalanches and the whole shabang.
Well, I guess I had to start somewhere, so I began with the mountain range I was in already. There were a lot of mountains and they were a lot more dangerous than I thought they would be. After nearly getting killed by an avalanche and almost dying from lack of oxygen, I finally resorted to searching for the cave by going through different animals' minds. That, naturally, did not work and I had to go back to levitating to the tops of mountains and searching the numerous caves.
The pain-in-the-arse-to-find flower was no where to be found. It was starting to get dark and so I teleported to the place we had found Dyari. He was already there.
"Any luck?"
"What do you think?" I growled, sending evil looks at him.
"Well, I dunno. You could have hidden it for all I know. Or you could have placed it somewhere safe or-"
"Would it be too much to ask you to shut the hell up?!" I normally didn't swear, but it was too much right now. I was seriously annoyed at the flower, annoyed at Dyari, and annoyed at the world in general.
"Fine, fine, fine. It's not my fault you're such a sourpuss." he muttered before walking over to a chair-like boulder and flopping down onto it.
During my search for the Pranji flower, I had used up more energy than I had in one day while traveling in the forest. And there wasn't to be a rest day either, for the next day, I repeated the same process, going farther and farther every day. And if that wasn't enough, I had to teleport back to Dyari, who would ask me if I had found it yet. The whole search was starting to drive me crazy.
I don't even know how long to took the search the whole mountain range here. All I remember is that it took a very frustratingly long amount of time. Dyari still hadn't gone back to his time, and he continued to bother me daily about how I hadn't found it yet and that it was taking forever.
One day, it was too much for me.
"If you really want the fucking flower, go find it for yourself!" I screamed into his face when he asked me if I had found it yet.
"Ooo... Tsk tsk, bad use of language."
"I don't fucking care, go find it yourself!"
"Then I take it you don't want to get to Fala?" I drooped slightly, for I knew he had won. I still longed to see Fala. This search was killing me; literally. I hadn't eaten properly in weeks and my hair had grown past my shoulders.
The following day, I began to search again. Thinking of Fala helped put some more spirit into my searching, but it was starting to become very tedious and boring. Every single day, I would wake up, teleport to the last mountain I was at, and levitate around, searching the caves. The teleporting took more energy now because I had finished the mountain range where Dyari and I stayed at now. I really wondered what Dyari did while I was gone, because after he found his current time's self and helped Xion get married, I didn't look through his mind anymore. Then again, I really didn't have any energy to spare to check anyways.
I believe it to be a year or two afterwards that I looked into all the caves of the snow covered mountains. And by then, I still hadn't found the flower. I had changed considerably. With no time to cut my hair, it was now almost to my waist and had to be tied up to be kept out of the way. I was leaner and was more adept at using my gift than I ever had been before.

AN: I don't know why I put swears in there, Faalan usually doesn't say such things, but... I felt the need to since he really was very frustrated.
I just realized that the chapters in Traveling Through Time are considerably shorter than the ones in Melody Maker. It makes me feel bad...

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