Friday, June 6, 2008


It took a moment to realize what had just happened. As I stared at Fala’s fleeing form, I was first in shock. That was before it came to me that she was trying to break away from me, so that she wouldn’t hurt me. I could see it in her eyes. Couldn’t she tell that I wanted to be with her forever? Couldn’t she see that even though we were separated through time, I would find a way to be with her? Couldn’t she?
I don’t think she did. I vaguely heard a voice crying out in surprise at the scene behind me as I chased after her, running as fast as I could. But I was tired already, and I knew that she was the faster of us. Even so, I tried with all my heart and soul. I wanted to catch up to her and take her in my arms, sheilding her from the world around us.
My breath came short as hours past. There was nothing I could do as my legs crumpled beneath me and the darkness took me in.

AN: It wasn't meant to be an introduction but that's what happened. And so Traveling Through Time starts.

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