Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tried and Almost Succeeded, but Failed (Chapter 16)

I stared at the enormous ocean from the coast. I really wasn't sure how exactly I was going to find Maunti. My best bet was to extend my mind and search for a thinking being so that I could locate the place. But the ocean was extremely large and I could only extend my mind so far. If I tried to go past my limits, I would most likely blackout, and blacking out here...was probably not the best idea. The tide would probably come in if I blacked out and take me to sea. And then I would drown. Not pleasant, but it was true that something along those lines could happen.
Sighing, I levitated myself out to sea and began searching for human intelligence. After an hour, the closest I had gotten was dolphin and whale minds, but what thoughts I could decipher didn't help me to find Maunti.
Animal minds were simple, but sometimes hard to understand, since they were often bits and pieces of places. Some didn't remember much at all, and others only really thought of food, shelter, and running away from predators.
The sun was beginning to set and I still hadn't found anything on Maunti. But then, there was a flicker of intelligent "movement" just outside my mind web. (This mind web was pretty much how far my mind extended) I quickly shifted my position and dived into the mind. Or rather, tried to dive into the mind.
I gasped as I "crashed" into a thick mind shield. I'd never encountered the problem and was stunned for a couple seconds. This gave the intelligent life form time to escape and I lost it.
There were humans who would hold up resistance, but I had always been able to get through to their minds. But this...this was different. I couldn't get in at all; the whole mind was protected by "armor". There was no way to get through from what little I had tried. I didn't think I would be able to penetrate the shield.
Already tired from searching for hours, I desperately tried to find the intelligent life form. I continued until I had just enough energy to get back to Dyari and the girls. I collapsed on the sand, my legs no longer able to support me.
"Faalan! Are you alright?" I wearily attempted to look at the person talking to me, but I didn't have enough energy to even lift my head. I knew it was Dyari though.
"I'm just really tired..." I mumbled, still trying to pick myself up from the ground.
"Faalan!" It was Yosa and Noiyra, though Noiyra had been the one to call my name. The younger girl knelt down to look into my face.
"Faalan?" She looked concerned as she examined my face.
"Yes Noiyra?" I answered.
"You okay?" Her eyes were wide and innocent.
"I'll be okay, I just need some rest." I felt Dyari supporting my shoulders, with Yosa getting my legs and Noiyra in the middle. I was too tired to complain that I didn't want to be picked up by them. Somewhere along the way as they carried me, I fell into a deep sleep.

AN: Gods, I am so bad at this... TTT isn't working out quite as well as MM...

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