Friday, June 13, 2008

Tag! Zyri's it! (Chapter 14)

"Where's the girl?" growled Zyri.
"What girl?" I said, trying to look as innocent as possible. My plan was to try and maintain innocence until it was clear that I knew who he was talking about. Of course, my plans usually didn't work so I was a little nervous.
"You know what girl I'm talking about. You helped her escape. And now you must pay for it!" I gave a sigh. As usual, what I wanted to work didn't work.
"And how am I supposed to pay for it?" I said wearily.
"With your life!" A giant earth wall came at me and I dodged out of the way. Not having much energy left, I was tired but still had enough energy to move. If I were to try to use my powers, I would black out as soon as I used them. I avoided hunks of earth and walls of terra and everything else he sent flying at me. But I was tiring and I couldn't go on for much longer. Finally, he captured me. From my feet to mid torso, I was held in earth. I knew I didn't have much choice now. I could teleport Zyri to somewher else and black out while still stuck in earth or I could teleport to Dyari and give Zyri a chance to capture the girls. I sighed and did what was best in the situation; I teleported to Dyari, sending one last desperate message to Yosa and Noiyra, saying that I couldn't hold him off any longer and that they were on their own now. The last thing I saw was Dyari's concerned face as my eyes closed.
When I woke, Dyari held out a bowl of soup in front of my nose. I accepted it gratefully and drank it quickly, scalding my tongue and my throat. But it was food and it provided energy.
"Are you alright, Falaan?"
"Yes, but I have to help the girls." I tried to get onto my feet but they couldn't support me and I sat back down with a thump on the boulder bed.
"You're too weak right now to do anything."
"No, not quite. I can help them through their minds. I have enough energy for that."
"I'm worried for you, Faalan."
"Thank you for your concern, but I have to help them."
"Fine. I'll respect your decision. Is there anything I can do to help now?"
"Yes. Do you have any more of that soup?"
I drank up the last of the soup that he had made and lay back down again, ready to help the two girls.
"Good luck, Faalan." I smiled to Dyari gratefully, knowing I'd need all the luck I could get.
Concentrating, I connected to Yosa's mind, for she would understand better.
Yosa, are you two alright?
Yes, it's me. I couldn't hold of Zyri any more and blacked out. Has he found you two yet?
No, no yet, but we can see him in the distance.
I will try to help you as best as I can from here. I'm too weak right now to even stand up.
Thank you for everything Faalan.
It's my pleasure. But I need you to open your mind more so I can see through your eyes and direct you. Can you do that?
How do I open my mind more?
Relax. You will feel my presence in your mind and it will feel like someone is intruding, but you must not ignore it and you have to embrace it. In that way, I will be able to connect. It won't be so bad after I'm in though, so no worries.
Alright. I'm ready.
I connected directly to her mind and she let me in, though her mind, in a way, flinched as I entered. Now I could see through her eyes, and indeed, Zyri was there, moving quickly. I told Yosa to try and hide from Zyri for as long as possible and that I would teleport them to somewhere safe if things got dangerous. She complied.
It was starting to become interesting now because what I thought, she would know immediately and vice versa. When she made an action, I felt as if I was doing it too, though my physical body was probably barely moving.
Zyri eventually spotted them and they fled towards the ocean as he shot hunks of earth into the sky. I winced to think of where those hunks could be falling. When they reached the ocean, he continue to fire at them until they were out of range. I know Yosa was tired, and Noiyra probably was too. Yosa couldn't keep her steam form for much longer and Noiyra was starting to look more human than pheonix. Drawing up what little energy I had, I teleported them to an island, where they collapsed, turning back in their human forms. I too was tired and removed myself from Yosa's mind.
Will you two be alright here by yourselves? I asked Yosa.
Yes, we will be. I know how to take care of myself and Noiyra. I promise.
You sure?
Yes. I'm sure.
Good luck then, and goodbye.
Goodbye Faalan.
I opened my eyes, back at the mountain with Dyari.
"Can you do me a favor?"
"What is it?" He looked at me warily.
"Don't worry, it's not going to kill you."
"O-kay..." Still that uncertain tone in his voice.
"Can you go to the future to this island in the east and see how Yosa and Noiyra are doing"
"How far into the future? And where is this island?"
"Around 10 years is good." I sent him an image of the island that the girls were staying on.
"Alright, give me a sec. I'll be right back." He jumped through a hole in the air, and seconds later, he was back.
"Are they alright?"
"I have bad news."
"What is it?"
"The island is pretty much completely destroyed. There's only a single tree and a small patch of land left of the original."
"Oh gods, Zyri must have found them at some point."
"I don't know who Zyri is, but if he can destroy islands, then I say it probably is him."
"Where will they be safe from his wrath?" I was no longer talking to Dyari at this point. Pacing around, I tried to think of a place where they could be safe from harm. Zyri could sense vibrations in the ground, and that allowed him to find people he wanted to find. It was like playing a game of tag where the person who was it knew where everyone was.
The safest place they could be would be a place where they didn't touch the ground. There was no place like that except...the floating city of Maunti in the far west.

AN: I think this is one of my longest chapters in TTT so far...

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