Monday, June 9, 2008

Stolen (Chapter 10)

Bright and early, when the sun had just begun to reach over the mountain tops, I bolted out of my boulder bed and quickly woke myself up properly. When I was awake enough to function properly, I pulled out the folder of the caves and began to go to each one. Around 100 caves, I was still buzzing with excitement. By 200, I was still determined and eager. 300 caves, I was neutral on the whole thing. 400, I was starting to get a little annoyed that I still hadn't found it. At 500, the fact that I hadn't found the flower was starting to really bother me. 600, I was about ready to smash a couple of cave walls. 700, I was even about ready to rip the flower into shreds if I saw it. I don't know how many more hundreds there were, but with each passing hundred, I grew more frustrated and angry. By the time I reached the last cave, I was seething.
But the flower was there and it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was one color but it was an infinite amount of colors. It was glowing, but it was dull enough not to blind. Constantly changing, the petals and shape of the whole flower kept transforming into a more beautiful flower than the one before. I forgot to breathe for a while and when I took a large breath of air in, I got all light-headed.
When I recovered from my lack of oxygen/overload of oxygen all at once, I walked towards the flower. Not only did it look fantastic, the scent was intoxicating. It was like perfume but not sickly sweet. Yet, it wasn't perfume exactly. It was...indescribable. Just a completely amazing smell.
I was about it grab it when suddenly, a clump of smoke encircled the flower and whisked it towards the entrance. Quickly, I tossed up shields, but I was already weak and the shields went up too slowly. I let go of the shields I had put of as soon as I could, but they had already sapped away at my energy too much. My vision began to go dark, and I struggled against it as much as I could, but I could not retain consciousness.

AN: So...short... But it's important at the same time that you read this anyways.

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