Friday, June 6, 2008

Silent Vow (Chapter 1)

When I regained conciousness, it was dark. Or maybe not. As I stood up, I realized that it only seemed dark because my cape had fallen on top my head earlier. Rolling my shoulders and rubbing my nose (for I had fallen face first apparently), I tried to remember which direction Fala could have taken. There was suddenly a flash of blue tinged light up ahead. The first thing that came to mind was Khanna, for her portals often created a bright light. But why was it blue? All her other portals were green exc- how could I be so stupid?! It was blue when Fala came to this time, so logically, Khanna must have gone back to this time...for what?
I ran towards the source of the light, using my gift to propell me forward at speeds I couldn’t normally achieve. I arrived at a small pond just in time to see Fala disappear into a portal. And standing in front of the portal was my dear sister Khanna. I wasn’t sure whether or not to trust my eyes, but I knew no one else who could make portals.
Her head turned, and then her eyes met mines.
“Hello, Faalan.” she said quietly, her voice tainted with sadness.
“Khanna.” I whispered, walking forward until I was face to face with her.
“How are you?” she asked, embracing me gently. I couldn’t believe that she was actually there. She had died, but yet here she was. It didn’t make sense, but at the same time, it did.
“...not as good as you could be.” finished Khanna, already knowing what I would say. She released me from her embrace and then smiled lightly, looking up at me.
“Yes.” I agreed reluctantly.
“Would you care to explain?”
“Well.... You died, Fala’s gone, Kaija turned bad and I had to kill him, I’m probably still hunted... Other than that, things are fantastic!” I replied sarcastically, tears welling in my eyes.
“I’m so sorry.” she murmured before gently wiping away the stray droplets of salt water that had fallen from my eyes.
“It was destiny for that to happen, wasn’t it? You would know better than all the rest of us.”
“Unfortunately, it was. I know it’s hard to face, but you have to deal with it.”
“How can I? I can’t let Fala go.”
“You have to realize that you two live in different times. I know it’s harsh, but you two can’t be together. If you try to meet her, it will only mak it harder for her. Let her go so she can be happy in her own place.”
“No buts. I have to go now. Goodbye brother.” A portal appeared behind her and she stepped back into it. The blue engulfed her and then she was gone.
With her gone, I couldn’t think of any way to get to Fala. I gritted my teeth and slammed my fist into the nearest tree. I continued to ram the tree until I couldn’t lift my arms anymore. Why did life have to be so hard sometimes?
I tasted salt, and realized after a while that it came from the tears that had flowed from my eyes while I was trying to destroy the tree. I slumped down against the tree and stared at the canopy of leaves as I felt my arms throb with pain.
Closing my eyes, I silently vowed that I would find a way to see Fala again, even if she didn’t want me anymore. All I wanted was to see her again.

AN: Shortness.... I wish it was longer, but I really like it the way it is at the same time.

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