Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A New Companion and a New Quest (Chapter 11)

The next thing I remember after blacking out was waking up with the side of my face pressed to the ground in the cave. Lovely thought, no? Scanning through the files in my head, I looked at all the events before my unconciousness. Some form of smoke or mist had taken the flower out of the cave. It was alive or something was controlling it. I didn't want to think it, but the only person I could think of with the power to control clouds was Xion.
Giving a sigh, I teleported to Xion's village with some difficulty, for I still didn't have much energy. I walked around a bit and then asked someone where he lived. They directed me to a modest looking building and I quickly knocked on the door.
"Who's there?" came a gentle female voice from behind the door.
"A friend of Xion's." I replied.
"Xion!" called the voice from inside, the person clearly looking for that boy.
"Yes, honey?"
"A friend of your's is here!" The door swung open to reveal Xion.
"Hey, old buddy, old pal!" he cried out and nearly broke my back in a bear hug.
"" I gasped out both in pain and in breathlessness.
"Oh, sorry!" He let go of me and gave a sheepish grin.
"I trust the lovely lady is your wife?" I asked, seeing a pretty girl hiding partially behind the door.
"Yes, that's the love of my life." he said dreamily. The girl flushed a little before disappearing into the house.
"So what brings you here?" Xion inquired.
"Someone stole the flower from me. A little wisp of smoke or mist took it." It took him a moment to figure out what flower I was talking about.
"And you came to me because I can control clouds?"
"Yes, but I also wanted to know if you knew anyone else who had similar capabilities."
"Well, it wasn't me, because I was here in the village, but I know this girl who can turn herself into fog and mist."
"Can you direct me to her?"
"Sure!" He began to walk through the village, weaving in and out of people and houses. I followed behind, hoping that I wouldn't get lost because Xion was moving very fast.
"Here's her house. I better get back to the house. See you around?"
"Yeah, see you around. And thanks."
"No problem." Xion was gone in a flash on his little cloud. I knocked on the door. The door swung open and then I saw a young girl, maybe early teens, with a full backpack on her back.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to steal it from you!" she cried out, tears filling her eyes.
"You didn't steal it technically because I hadn't touched it yet." I said, trying to comfort the poor girl.
"I-I n-need-ded it to re-rescue my s-sist-ster." she sobbed.
"What happened to your sister?"
"She was c-captured by th-this man who wants to ma-make her work as a slave for him."
"That's illegal!"
"He wan-wanted the flower or else I c-could never have her b-back."
"Let me come with you. I need to flower as well, but I can use it after you get your sister back."
"How are you going to get the flower from him?" She had calmed down and had stopped shaking so much.
"I'm going to create an illusion of one and you give him the illusion flower while I keep the illusion flower. When we teleport out, for I can do that, I will release the illusion. But you and your sister need to go somewhere and hide from him, alright?" She nodded.
"I have enough supplies in here to last us both, I think."
"I'll trust you."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Yosa."
"Pleased to meet you. My name is Faalan."
"His headquarters is at the top of that mountain." She pointed at the tallest mountain in sight.
"That's a tall mountain...." I murmured.
"Yes, it is. I can take myself up there relatively quickly by turning to mist, but I can't carry you. I could just barely carry the flower."
"If you give me some time to rest, I can teleport us both up part of the mountain because I know a cave relatively near the top. I never knew there was a building up at the top though."
"How much time?" She was clearly impatient, for she began to shuffle her feet around.
"I don't know...maybe a day or so?" Yosa gave a little whimper but nodded.
"I'll meet you at the edge of the village at that tree tomorrow then." she said, pointing to a large tree.
"See you tomorrow then." I made my way to the tree and sat down in the shade. Then I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

AN: I've gotten several people telling me (well, actually, 1) that Traveling Through Time isn't as good as Melody Maker and is just several scenes stuck together. Does anyone else think this?


lauren0925 said...

Hm... I would say that they might be a tiny bit right. It is written a little bit diffently in a much as the scenes are spaced further apart and there's less connection between them. I don't think that's a bad thing at all though. In fact, it's much more appropriate since Falaan is narrating, in my opinion. Let's put it this way, it's more like Ryan's writing and less like mine, I think. And remember, it's all a literary choice.

coolidgen said...

And I would have to agree. It's a good story, though. And this sort of thing almost always happens when a girl is writing as a boy or vice versa. But don't let that discourage you. PS the fanfic will be on my blog by Friday, if anyone wants to read that it will be explicit.