Monday, June 16, 2008

Can You do Something for Me? (Chapter 15)

I suppose I should explain what exactly the Floating City of Maunti is. It is a legendary city that reveals itself only to a few chosen people. It floats on top of the ocean for a small period of time before sinking again until it decides to show itself. Not much is known really, for those who have gone to find it never have returned, but there have been many legends and "sightings," all of which happened in the far west. No one really knows if it's real, but if there was anywhere where Zyri wouldn't find Yosa and Noirya, it was there. The question was how to get there. But first off, I had to get to them.
"What is it, Faalan?"
"I need you to help me protect Yosa and Noiyra while I look for the Floating City of Maunti."
"You just finished finding the Pranji flower and now you're off on another impossible quest?!"
"Yes. I don't want the girls to die in the future. I have to get them somewhere where they were truly be safe."
"So how do you want me to protect the two?"
"When I get us to the island, I want you to stay there and if Zyri shows up, do a little time jumping so that you aren't hurt by him."
"Couldn't I just fight him?"
"If you can fight against earth attacks, then by all means. If not, I suggest you get out of there as fast as possible."
"Alright. But you owe me one." I put my hand on his shoulder and in moments, we were on the island. I scanned the dot of land for Yosa and Noiyras' presences and quickly located them.
Don't tell me; Faalan again?
Yes, I'm sorry.
So what's it this time?
You're not safe here; my friend went into the future for me to check if you guys were still here ten years from now and the island was basically completely destroyed. He didn't know what exactly happened, but it didn't look good. I want to get you and your sister onto the City of Maunti.
You mean the legendary island that-
Yes, all that stuff. It's the only place that doesn't touch the ground and in that way, Zyri won't be able to find you two.
That makes sense, but how are you going to find the place?
That's a good question that I have no answer for right now. My friend Dyari will protect you and Noiyra, but he needs to find you two first. Could you send some sort of a signal?
A moment later, there was a flare of fire in the air.
Good enough for you?
Yes, thank you.
Dyari headed off in that direction as I teleported to the western most shore of the continent.

1 comment:

coolidgen said...

you didn't hurt me. it was bert that did. it wasn't a big deal... it's for the story, not exactly in real life... there are differences...