Monday, July 21, 2008

Memory Lane (Chapter 21)

The first thing I saw was Fala standing in front of a woman's bed. Or rather, a younger Fala. She looked around 6 or younger. The woman looked a bit like Fala, and I thought she might be her mother.
"Mommy?" The younger Fala confirmed my guess.
"Yes honey?" Her mother looked very weak. With pale skin and thin frame, she looked as if she wouldn't live much longer. I wondered what this woman could have.
"Are you gonna be okay, mommy?" Fala's wide, frightened eyes looked down at her mother.
"Sweetheart, mommy is very sick." The woman raised a shaky hand to caress her daughter's face.
"Does that mean you'll have to be in this hospital forever?" The young girl sat down on the thin cot, the sheets wrinkling around her body.
"I won't be here forever. Forever is a long time, dear."
"So you can leave soon and come and live with daddy and me again?"
"Maybe. We'll have to see what the doctors say." Fala leaned down and hugged her mother tightly.
The scene blurred and then I was in front of a coffin. I saw the younger Fala again. She looked the same age as before, but she was dressed in black. Her eyes were red and had dark circles underneath. She looked as if she'd been crying for a long time without rest.
There were people around her and a tall man with light brown hair in black put his hand on Fala's shoulder.
"Yes daddy?" Her young voice was shaky but she did not cry.
"Mommy told me to tell you not to cry when she was gone. She said she wanted you to be happy and that she was in heaven now. She'll be watching you from above."
"Mommy said that?"
"Yes she did." At this, Fala burst into tears, clinging onto her father, her small body wracked with sobs.
There was a series of scenes of her father, becoming more thin and sickly until I saw yet another coffin. This time, Fala was a little older, a little taller, and a little sadder. Her eyes were filled with the grief of one who has seen the deaths of beloved ones. Those sad eyes shot pain into my heart. To know that she had suffered that much at such a young age hurt me. I wanted to protect her always.
And then I saw her being hugged by a woman who looked like Tahi, which I took to be his mother. I watched her grow up, the grief fading from her eyes over time. She became close to Tahi, and stuck by his side. I was filled with jealousy, but I watched on.
Now she looked around 17, and it was most likely true, for there were other people her age throwing fireballs and trying to fly. She alone sat on the side, an area of empty space around her. Not a single soul came to talk to her. Then it hit me: this was when she didn't know her power.
I watched her go through the halls of some building, treated as if she had some deformity. I saw her wrapped in Tahi's arms and sobbing. I wished that I had been there. I would have stood by her side and comforted her.
Finally, I saw her get sucked into the blue portal that Khanna had created. I saw myself and my sister once more.
I stopped and then jumped past the time I had been with her. She dropped into her own world, at the time that she had left it. No one noticed her as she got up and went to some lady in a room. They talked about some prophecy and her getting her gift.
Then she left for a house. The door opened, and there was Tahi, tangled up with his supposedly half-sister on the ground, laughing and giggling. Fala flew into a rage, screaming into Tahi's face, with him frantically trying to explain. She ignored him and stormed out of the house. I felt proud of what she had done, but hated Tahi even more for his relationship with her.
Scenes of her taking things out of his house with him still trying to explain passed. Then I saw her walking down a road, muttering something about saying goodbye to Tahi once and for all, when I saw myself crash into her.
I pulled myself out of her mind and waited for Tahi and Fala to recover from their trip through my memories.
She clearly still considered Tahi her boyfriend even though he had "cheated" on her. And she had been about to dump him once and for all when he had to come up with his great explaination! I gave a growl of frustration.
All I could do now was wait for her to come out from my memories and hope that she would choose me.
Suddenly, I remembered that I wanted to give her something. Except I couldn't remember exactly what it was... Then it came to me.
The necklace that I had bought when I had first started my way to find her was still tucked into my cloak. It only took me a second to find it in the various pockets of my cloak. I didn't take it out though. I would give it to her later.

AN: I think I'll drag out this conflict to book three. ^_^ Then again, I might not. I'll have to think about it.

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