Friday, August 15, 2008

She's Mine Now (Chapter 22)

Fala finally finished looking at my memories and regained focus of the world around her.
"Oh Faalan. I can't believe went and did all that just for me. I'm touched. If Tahi wasn't my boyfriend..." She trailed off and I resisted the urge to scream in frustration and anger. That stupid Tahi. He came out of my memories a moment after Fala. Which was odd because he started looking first. Ah well.
"You forced yourself on her!" he accused. It took me by surprise. Not Fala though.
"He did not!" Fala retorted, eyes flashing.
"You saw it, she responded to what I did. If she had wanted to, she could have pushed me away or slapped me." I tried to reason with him. Half-heartedly.
"You are stronger. You forced yourself." He refused to stop his accusations.
"Tahi. You say that one more time and I will break up with you again. He did not force himself on me. I love him as I love you." I was glowing with the last part of her last sentence, but not the first part of that sentence. I half purred and half growled at her words.
"He FORCED himself on you!" he screeched. He hadn't had time for her words to sink in.
"And now I cannot love you." Fala whispered sadly, giving Tahi a final kiss on the cheek. I gave a smug grin to no one in particular.
"I'm sorry Tahi, but I guess the better man won." I said, half sarcastically. He gave a howl of fury and thorned plants began to rise from the ground. Crap.
I surrounded myself with a force field as Tahi surrounded me with dangerous plants, attempting to strangle me and kill me, looking ready to explode the whole time. Fala stood on the side in horror, staring at the massive plants.
I'll be fine, Fala. Let me take care of myself.
But Faalan! When he's angry... I worry for you.
Her face disappeared from my vision as the plants completely surrounded my protective bubble.
Fala, has he done something to you? 'When he's angry'? That doesn't sound good.
Faalan, not now. Please. I'll tell you later.
Why didn't I see it?
Because I hid it from you.
What? You can do that?
There's someone else I know who can read minds. I've learned to shield my memories from that person. And it seems to work for you as well.
I gave a mental sigh and then concentrated on maintaining my force field. I was already rather tired from my travels and all I really wanted was to sleep. I wasn't sure if I could defend myself, actually. But I didn't want Fala to help me. I wanted to do this on my own.
I shot an illusion of myself to Tahi and had it avoid his vines and attacks on the illusion. Fala didn't see it and only saw Tahi trying to hit something that did not exist. After a while, the plants around my force field were released and I carefully slipped behind a large boulder nearby. Fala saw, but didn't say a word.
Tahi tired after an hour or so, and collapsed from over use of his power. Fala got some healers to take him to his house and then she came back to me.
"Faalan. Why have you done all this for me?"
"Because I love you. Didn't I already say before? Or at least show you?"
"Yes, bu-" I cut her off by kissing her. Her small warm body against mine made my heart and soul soar with giddiness. I missed her so much. And I loved her with all my heart. I don't think I will ever love anyone that much again.
"Mmhm... Faalan... You have to stop..." Fala moaned as I kissed her neck.
"Fala, why?" I whispered, kissing down her collarbone.
"Not here... Please..." I sighed, and then stopped.
"Fine..." I murmured, dropping my arms from her.
"And Faalan?" I looked up into her lovely brown eyes.
"I do believe you have something for me." She grinned mischievously. I smiled.
"Yes, I do have something for you. But you have to come and get it." She gave a cute pout before wrapping her arms around me and digging through my cape. It took her a while, but she found it eventually.

"Why, it's gorgeous! Better than it looked like in your memories!" she gasped, turning it over and over in her hand.
"Let me help you put it on." I said, beaming. I must have looked like a giddy idiot. Not that I cared at the time.
I gently took the piece of jewelry and fumbled with the clasp until I got it on.
"You like it?" I asked gently, when I had gotten the necklace on. I got no reply.
"Fala?" I poked my head around her and...her eyes were glowing gold. As well as the necklace. It took me of guard, and I gaped for a couple moments.
Her eyes slowly closed and I could see the light pouring from under her eyelids. What was going on?
I'll admit, I whimpered a little when I saw her like she was. It was as if she was sleeping while standing but...her expression...was more than a sleeping expression. expression of enlightenment. It scared me a bit. Suddenly, the light faded, and she crumpled into my arms. All I could do was hold her in my arms and wait for her to wake up.

AN: This is the end!!! The end I tell you! Ha! Ha. Ha ha. Ha. I'm okay. Sorry, I'm just happy that I've finally finished this. I'm going to start developing book three soon.
Thing is, the idea of just one book, just Melody Maker, really appeals to me. Or maybe I will make it into three books in one. Sort of like having the books as chapters and the chapters as sections. What do you think?

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